Search Engine Optimisation News from SEO Leeds

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Does the Sandbox Still Exist?

It has been reported by numerous SEO experts that the Google Sandbox is still alive and well.

The term 'Sandbox' is often used interchangably with the reported 'Ageing Delay' for new websites. It is believed that a kind of probation period is put on new websites to discourage webmasters from creating multiple sites for the same business, with the goal of targeting different phrases and / or creating a link network to artificially boost rankings for all of them or the main site.

The idea seems to be that by requiring webmasters to take a long term view, they will be less likely to look to quick success techniques based on multiple mini sites that just clutter the internet. It seems like a good idea.

It typically takes 6-12 months for sites to start ranking well with a good SEO strategy.

The Sandbox also refers to a probation period where sites can be restricted ranking-wise if they have recently gone through a major change - perhaps urls changing across the whole site, a sudden change in size or anything else that could suggest a change of ownership or theme.

Google seems to like establishing 'trust' in a website, so if you focus on steady, ethical SEO then long-term, your site should do well.

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