Most Users Look at the Top 2 Results
A Google study published in 2009 looked at the eye activity of web surfers when looking for relevant information from its SERPs - search engine results pages.
The study showed that when participants searched for a given topic, they tended to look at the results returned in order from top to bottom (as you would expect) but often found what they were looking for within the first two listings, so never needed to look further down.
Although a web surfer's eyes dart all over the results page, the concentration on the top of the page, often largely on the top 2 results, shows the importance of being listed near the top.
Many people regard first page results on Google as a benchmark of SEO success, but perhaps you should not be too pleased until you are near the top of that first page.
Most Users Look at the Top 2 Results
The study showed that when participants searched for a given topic, they tended to look at the results returned in order from top to bottom (as you would expect) but often found what they were looking for within the first two listings, so never needed to look further down.
Although a web surfer's eyes dart all over the results page, the concentration on the top of the page, often largely on the top 2 results, shows the importance of being listed near the top.
Many people regard first page results on Google as a benchmark of SEO success, but perhaps you should not be too pleased until you are near the top of that first page.
Most Users Look at the Top 2 Results
Labels: google